How can I drop off plastics for interception?

Check if you have an interception point on your island from our collaborators map. Sort through your plastics, separate recyclable plastics place in a re-usable bag and drop off at any of these points.



Where is the drop off site?

Parley Maldives has baling facilities in Thilafushi and in Industrial Village Male', which are both drop off points. On other islands, check in with the school or the island council.



What type of plastics do you intercept?

We can currently recycle plastics with numbers 1, 2 & 5 (PET, HDPE & PP). You can find these numbers next to the recyclable sign on the item.



Do you collect from households?

We have limited capacity to collect from households and only within Male'. You may check in with us to register, and we will pick up as slots are available.


Can I recycle paper/tin/batteries with you?

No. We currently only recycle 3 types of plastic. See the list of materials we recycle, here. (need a list or image to link)


What happens to the plastic after it gets dropped off at Parley Maldives?

The plastic gets further segregated, weighed, baled and exported for redesigning. Each bag gets logged to see how much plastic you have helped save from ending up in the oceans.



How can I start interception on my island/business/household?

Reach out to us to discuss logistics!



What can I do if there is no interception on my island?

Contact us - let's discuss ways to start the program on your island.



How can I join a clean-up?

Fill out our volunteer form here.



Do you assist to organize community clean ups?

Yes. We are looking to collaborate with as many communities as possible, and offer our help in organizing clean ups and repurposing of any plastics collected at the clean ups.