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Common single-use plastics such as water bottles, soft drinks, juice bottles, styrofoam boxes, and glitter are piling up and poisoning the planet and its inhabitants. If each student used one small 500 ml bottle every day, it would amount to 75,000 bottles daily from the entirety of the student population. Every academic year would then generate 14,625,000 bottles just from schools (and this is the lower estimate!) If that many plastic bottles are lined up next to each other, it would cover 6.6 football fields!




  • Encourage all students and staff to bring reusable water bottles and introduce alternatives for single-use plastic bags

  • Schools should visibly display boards with messages on alternatives that are available locally

  • To instill behavioral change, we must encourage this throughout student’s routines



  • Goal is to get 100% of students and staff to use reusable water bottles and reusable bags

  • Written policy

  • Communication to parents

  • Announcements - use social media to link to announcements

  • Photos of reusable bottles and bags